We can use the spiritual malady references mentioned in the Big Book (page numbers provided) to review honestly the unmanageability in our CURRENT lives. The following are statements that best capture the inner and outer experience of the alcoholic for what is called in the Big Book, "the spiritual malady". The disease of alcoholism has three parts: physical, mental and spiritual. 

The spiritual part of the puzzle is the deepest part and is sometimes called "the root of our troubles" or "untreated alcoholism" (whether we are drinking or not). These are manifestations of being blocked off spiritually (whether we are drinking or not) & they are basically caused by self-centered fear. The Big Book says on page 62, "Selfishness - self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles". But remember, it then says on page 64, "When the spiritual malady is overcome, we straighten out mentally and physically." 

That's why if we JUST stop drinking and DON'T grow spiritually, our inner life (as THE RESULT of what's listed below) continues to get worse because we haven't dealt with the root problem yet. If you CURRENTLY have unmanageability in the following areas of your life, please consider the fact that you may be suffering from untreated alcoholism (whether you are drinking or not), you may be headed toward your next drink, and you may be closer to a relapse than you think you are.  It doesn't matter so much how long it's been since your last drink, what matters MORE is how close you are to your next one. - Barefoot Bill

1) Am I generally restless, irritable (which means "easily annoyed") and discontented (which means "never satisfied")?(Page xxviii) YES____ NO____.  
Do you experience these feelings often? YES____ NO____. 
Do you feel like you never belong or that you are not a part of, even in AA? YES____ NO____. 
Are you usually uncomfortable in your own skin? YES____ NO____.
Do you experience an ongoing sense of sadness? YES____ NO____.  
Do you often feel like "something is missing"? YES____ NO____.

2) Am I having trouble with personal relationships? (Page 52) Do you take care of others too much, to the point where you neglect to do the things you need to do to take care of yourself? YES____ NO____. 
List names of those close to you (family, friends, co-workers) and evaluate how you are getting along with these people. Also include your relationship with yourself and your Higher Power. Include a few examples of how you treat perfect strangers or those who can't do anything for you. What seems to be the problems that you are having with those around you? 

3) Am I having trouble controlling my emotional nature? (Page 52) Are most of your days best described as emotionally up and down? YES____ NO____. 
Consider how you manage your emotions. Are you in control of your negative emotions or are they in control of you? IN CONTROL____ NOT IN CONTROL____.
When you lash out in anger, do you feel like you have no other choice or that it's "their fault"? YES____ NO____. 
Look at some of your more frequent negative emotions (like jealousy, impatience, lust, fear, guilt, frustration, greed, anger, shame, etc.) and analyze them individually in the following way: When you feel this way, what do you say and do? Are you able to find ways to quickly work through them without harming yourself or others, or do you become unapproachable for hours or days at a time? Are you quick to criticize with a biting or sarcastic tongue? Do you beat yourself up for feeling this way? __________________________________

4) Am I prey to misery and depression? (Page 52) How often in the average month are you miserable or depressed? ____ TIMES. 
How long does it last and what do you do to get rid of it? 
How does life and other people's behavior cause you misery and depression? What was going on the last few times you were miserable or depressed?
Are any of these recurring? _________________________________.
When you are miserable or depressed, do you avoid people, sleep all day, think about hurting yourself or others, or seek escape through alcohol/drugs/food/etc. or extended periods in front of the TV or computer? YES____ NO____.

5) Am I having trouble making a living? (Page 52) What areas of your life are not in balance? Included here are: finances / savings / spending / credit cards /loans, your marriage / parenting / friendship / work life, education, physical / emotional / mental /spiritual health, do you set aside time for fun / for being / be alone, are you overweight, do you drink too much coffee or smoke too much, are you having problems getting or keeping a job, have you had a routine medical check-up recently, etc.

6) Do I feel useless? (Page 52) Do you often wonder why you are even alive?" YES____ NO____. 
Do you often feel inconvenienced or taken advantage of by others? YES____ NO____. 
Do you have difficulty finding interests or "fitting in"? YES____ NO____. 
Do you feel like there is no meaning to your life or that you have nothing to contribute to life? YES____ NO____. 
Explain any "YES" here:

7) Is fear a big part of my life? (Page 52) How much of the average week are you experiencing fear? ____ %.  
What do you say or do when you are fearful? __________________________________ 
What does fear prevent you from doing?
How do you get rid of fear? ____________________________________. 
List some of your more common fears. Ask yourself why you have them and if they are real or imagined? __________________________________

8) Am I often unhappy? (Page 52) How much of the average week are you unhappy? ____ %.
What do you say or do when you are unhappy? 
How do you get rid of unhappiness? __________________________________
Can you usually be described as positive and upbeat? YES____ NO____. 
When asked about how you are doing, you say that you are doing well. Even though you say that, do you often know deep down within that this is not the truth? YES____ NO____. 
What areas or past events in your life bring about recurring unhappiness? __________________________________

9) Am I of real help to other people? (Page 52) When was the last time you brought someone new to a meeting? ______.  
Do you include your number on phone lists for newcomers? YES____ NO____.  
Or do you think that you have nothing to offer them? YES____ NO____.  
Every week, do you reach out to someone in need or in pain (in AA and outside of AA) and expected nothing in return? YES____ NO____. 
Are you successful when you try to help others? YES____ NO____.
Do you think that it is important to grow in ways that would make you become more helpful to others? YES____ NO____.

10) Do I think I know what's best for everyone? Are you often like the actor who wants to run the whole show; is forever trying to arrange the lights, the ballet, the scenery and the rest of the players in your own way? Do you believe that everybody, including yourself, would be pleased and that life would be wonderful if only they would do as you say? Can you sometimes be quite virtuous, kind, considerate, patient, generous, even modest and self-sacrificing; yet at other times be mean, egotistical, selfish and dishonest (depending on which will work in getting YOUR way)? Are you often a victim of the delusion that you can wrest (which means "to take away by force") satisfaction and happiness out of this world if you only manipulate well? (Page 60-61) YES____ NO____. 
Do you spend a lot of time getting frustrated when others don't behave the way you think they should? YES____ NO____.  
Is there anyone that you refuse to forgive? YES____ NO____.

11) Am I driven by a hundred forms of fear, self-delusion, self-seeking, and self-pity? (Page 62) Do you often wonder why you do what you KNOW you shouldn't be doing and don't do what you KNOW you should be doing? YES____ NO____.  
Do you have trouble showing up on time? YES____ NO____. 
What is the general condition of your inner dialogue/self-talk/self-criticism? GOOD____ BAD____. 
Although you may not be currently drinking or drugging, do you have other "addictions" (other areas in your life that are out of balance or out of control)? YES____ NO____. 
If so, give examples. 

12) Am I an extreme example of self-will run riot, though I usually don't think so? (Page 62) Do friends and relatives sometimes say that you are selfish even though you don't agree? YES____ NO____. Do you end relationships only because the other person doesn't act the way you think they should? YES____ NO____.  
Are you a "team player"? YES____ NO____.  
Do you spend most of the time thinking of yourself instead of thinking of what you can do for others? YES____ NO____.  
Is your motto "what's in it for me"? YES____ NO____.  
Do you exhibit signs of or participate in "road rage"? YES____ NO____.  
Would other drivers describe you as considerate? YES____ NO____.

13) Am I leading a double life? Are you very much the actor, presenting to the outer world your stage character, which is the one you like your fellows to see? Do you want to enjoy a certain reputation, but know in your heart that you don't deserve it? YES____ NO____.  
Are you under constant fear and tension because of this, worrying that you may be "found out"? (Page 73) YES____ NO____.  
Are you lying to or keeping something from your sponsor/spiritual advisor/recovery network? YES____ NO____.  
Do you usually do what you say and say what you do? YES____ NO____. 
Are you involved in relationships (romantic or illegal) that you shouldn't be? YES____ NO____.

14) Am I like a tornado roaring through the lives of others? Do you have a habit of breaking hearts, sabotaging sweet relationships, and uprooting affections? (Page 82) YES____ NO____.  
Have you avoided making amends to your family and those closest to you? YES____ NO____.  
Do you have difficulty keeping friendships for more than a few months? YES____ NO____. 
Do you have a habit of pushing people away? YES____ NO____.  
Are you pursuing newcomers for something selfish instead of only helping them in their recovery and spiritual growth? YES____ NO____.  
Do co-workers, family, and fellow AA's find you unapproachable? YES____ NO____.

15) Are my selfish and inconsiderate habits keeping my home in turmoil? (Page 82) Are you more interested in your own needs and wants than you are with the needs and wants of your family? YES____ NO____.  
Have you made amends to your family but continue the behavior you originally made amends for? YES____ NO____.  
Do you sometimes hide away at meetings to avoid responsibilities at home? YES____ NO____.  
Do you spend "quality time" with your spouse/family on a regular basis? YES____ NO____.  
Would your spouse/family agree with your previous answer? YES____ NO____.  
Has anyone in your household recently said to you, "The only person you ever think of is yourself."? YES____ NO____.

After evaluating these areas, can you now admit that even though you may not be currently drinking, your life (especially you inner life) is unmanageable? YES____ NO____.


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