Hazelden step one
This is the foundation of our recovery for with out the first step there is no 12th step.
Here is your fist oppertunity to be totally honest with yourself. The following questions are strickly used as means of taking a long hard look at how unmanageable our lives have become as a result of drinking.
We strongly suggest you read the following pages in the AA big book and the 12 and 12 first.
Alcoholics Anonymous (the "Big Book"), Chapter 1 (16 pages)
Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions (the "12 & 12"), Step 1 (4 pages)
Please understand that These worksheets are not officially produced or approved by Alcoholics Anonymous. They are questions that I had to answer while working with my sponsors over the years. I hope they will help you as much as they helped me to see the real me.
Answer the following question in as much detail as you can.
What caused you to seek out AA?
Write about your last drinking episode as much as you can remember.
Looking back at the above answer how does it make you feel today to see your answer?
Have you ever tried to stop drinking/drugging completely?
Give examples
What was the result?
What was the longest time you stayed sober before picking up again?
Give examples
What was the result
Have you ever tried to limit your intake to prevent getting drunk or tipsy?
Give examples
What was the result?
Have you ever tried switch drinking (starting with one, and changed later)
Give examples
What was the result?
Have you ever tried to limit your time to prevent over useage?
Give examples
What was the results?
Have you ever awakened in the morning after drinking and found you could not
remember some or all of the prior evenings events?
Give examples
What was the results?
What have you done to try to drink without bad results?
Give examples
What were the results?
As a result of your drinking, are you taking any medications?
Give examples
What are the results?
Since taking the meds have you stoped drinking totally?
Give examples
What was the results?
What crisis other than the one listed above would eventually occured as result of drinking?
Give examples
What would be the result of each?
What excuses do you find yourself using the most to allow yourself to drink over?
Give examples
What are the results?
Have you ever lost your job or a promotion as result of your drinking?
Give examples
What were the results?
Have you ever lost your temper while drinking?
Give examples
What were the results?
Have you ever been arrested as a result of drinking
Give examples
What were the results?
Have you lost contact with family as a result of drinking?
Give examples
What were the results
Have you been divorced or seperated as result of drinking?
Give examples
What were the results
Have you been hospitalized as a result of drinking?
Give examples
What were the results
Are under psychiatric treatment or have you sought out treatment?
Give examples
What were the results
Have you been depressed or suisidal as a result of being sober or drinking?
Give examples
What were the results
How has drinking affected your goals for your life?
Give examples
What were the results
How has drinking affected your physical health over the years/months?
Give examples
What were the results
Have you ever put your life or lives of others in danger while drinking?
Give examples
What were the results
Have you ever had nightmares after the fact
Give examples
What were the results
Have you ever avoided returning to a certain area or road as a result of a dream?
Give examples
What were the results
Has any physical abuse happened to you or otehrs as result of YOUR drinking?
Give examples
What were the results
How has your drinking affected you even when sober
Give examples
What were the results
What convinces you that you can no longer use alcohol
Give examples
In your own words discribe the following below:
Unmanageable Behavior:
Are you admitting or accepting?
What is the difference between accepting and admitting?
How are you accepting through your behavior?
Since you have stoped drinking have noticed any other addiction type behavior?
Give examples
what are the results
When you were drinking how would you discribe your attitude toward others
Give examples
What were the results
In Big Book what simularities do you see in yourself
Give examples
If you were to continue drinking as before what would be the result
Give examples
What are your hopes should you continue in the program of Alcoholics Annonymous
As a result of doing the above questions how do you see yourself today
Seeing the results today, is your life manageable or un-manageable?
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