
Showing posts from November, 2016

The Role of an AA Sponsor

The Role of an AA Sponsor The AA sponsor fulfills a number of useful functions including: * This is an individual who will usually have more experience in the program than the sponsee. This means that they will be able to share their wisdom and experience. * Most sponsors will tell their sponsee to contact them at any time of the day or night if it is an emergency. The urge to  relapse  can come at any time, and having somebody to contact can make all the difference. * A sponsor can just be a good friend. One of the things that people worry about when they first enter recovery is that they will never be able to form meaningful relationships without their chemical crutch. What they learn is that friendships in sobriety can be stronger than anything they have ever experienced previously. One of their most important relationships may be with their sponsor. * This is an individual who will offer encouragement and provide praise for achievements.
My Sober Life Day 45: Recover from a Relapse Relapse doesn’t mean you flunked recovery. Call your sponsor to help you get back on track. We learn from our mistakes and become even stronger. Action If we relapse, we may feel shame, blame, and guilt, but these thoughts can just sink us deeper into negativity. Instead, we must get help immediately. Never try to handle a relapse alone! After getting help, we must focus on the positive by learning from our mistake so it doesn’t happen again. Make sure you have a Relapse Response Plan that includes the name and phone number of the person you will call for help and where you can go (to the home of your sponsor, a family member, or friend). Thought for the Day “Those who slip know they can reclaim the program if they choose. Nothing is entirely lost and their Higher Power is always there, ready to help.” —Adapted from  Twenty-Four Hours a Day, Decemb er 6