Faith is not a series of gilt-edged propositions that you sit down to figure out, and if you follow all the logic and accept all the conclusions, then you have it.

—Mary Jean Irion

Years ago administrators at a high school in California told some of their teachers at the beginning of the school term that their students would most likely experience an intellectual growth spurt by the end of the academic year. At the end of the term, students of these teachers had, indeed, dramatically improved their academic performance.

Administrators revealed that the teachers had been selected at random; there was no particular reason why they or their students had been selected. But because the teachers had expected more from their respective classes, they had subtly communicated this expectation to their students. The teachers showed that they believed in their capabilities, and the students responded to this support. Yet, if the teachers had shown doubt in the students’ success, the outcome would most likely have been different.

When you believe you are incapable of achieving great things, then these are the beliefs with which you will meet any challenge that comes your way. The higher the regard that you have for yourself and your capabilities, the greater the level of your success will be in anything you do.

Today I will create self-fulfilling prophecies that focus on positive achievement and success.


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