
You cannot weave truth in a loom of lies.

—Suzette Haden Elgin

Before you admitted you were powerless, you may have created a false reality that enabled you to see yourself as you wanted to be and validated the lies you fabricated. The worse your addiction became, the more lies you may have told and the more you repressed the truth—until eventually the lies became the truth.

Honesty is not simply the absence of lying, but the commitment to truthfulness. The program teaches you the difference between being honest and being rigorously honest. Admitting you are powerless over your addiction is being honest.

But rigorous honesty means living each day with total awareness of what is true and what is untrue, and speaking always to the truth, no matter how painful. As you go to meetings, be inspired by the honesty of others. As you work with your sponsor, learn how to view your past actions and behaviors with an objective eye. As you read and reflect upon the teachings of the Big Book, gain a greater understanding about the importance of honesty with yourself and others. As you follow the Steps, seek total honesty with yourself. As you connect with your Higher Power, learn how honesty can lead to forgiveness.

Today I will be honest with myself and with others.


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