Step three
Step Three P . Read Step Three out of the Basic Text every day before writing. 2. Read Step Three out of It Works, How and Why. 3. Write down your definition of each word in the step. Then look up each word individually in the dictionary and write down what you learn about the difference between what you thought it meant and the dictionary says it means. 4. Write your concept of willingness. Then look it up and write about what you have learned. What does it mean to turn your well and life over to the care of God as you understand God What does your life look like when it's run by self well 5. Write what each part means to you: a. We Made b. A Decision c. To Turn our Will d. And Our Lives e. Over to the Care of God f. As We Understood Him. 6. Write about how you understand God. 7. Every day write on events that you thought about longer than you needed to and the events that you left in God's hands. 8. What is the principle of Step Three? What is a decision? 2. How do I make ...