50 Tips to..

50 Essential Tips To Help You Stay Clean And Sober Making the decision to get clean and sober is the easy part. Actually staying clean and sober – that’s a different story altogether. Here are some of the lessons I’ve learned in recovery. Hopefully some of these lessons can help you as well: 1. For your first few months sober, your only goal each day is to make it through without a drink. 2. Don’t overestimate your control over your addiction. Everyone does at some point . 3. Practice complete abstinence . Don’t fool yourself into thinking you can moderate your alcohol intake . It won’t work out in the long run. 4. Seek out in-patient treatment if you can afford it. 5. Take physical care of yourself. Exercise regularly and eat well. 6. Cut out toxic relationships from your life. This includes friendships and romance. 7. Build new healthy relationships with positive people. 8. Reconnect w...