
Showing posts from June, 2015


TAKING DAILY INVENTORY Your daily emotions, attitudes, and actions move you either further into recovery or back toward addictive behavior. Checking your progress frequently is an important part of staying sober. 1. Using a scale in which 1 = low and 5 = high, score yourself daily on these items: Moving Further into Recovery: Honest with self Honest with others Living for today Hopeful Active Prompt Relaxed Responsible Confident Realistic Reasonable Forgiving Trusting of others Content with self Helpful to others 2. How did you improve today? Moving toward Relapse: Dishonest Resentful Depressed Self-pitying Critical of self/others Procrastinating Impatient Angry Indifferent Guilty Anxious Ashamed Fearful Withdrawn Demanding EXERCISE III What roadblock(s) to recovery/progress can you identify today? What, if anything, do you wish you had done differently today? On a scale of 1 to 5, what is your level of commitment to recovery today? What did you learn about yourself today that you can ...